Take a wild guess
其中女主角(一間小的兒童書店的老闆)在Cafe Lalo* 在等他的網友見面~
男主角(大型連鎖書店的老闆,也就是讓女主角書店出現危機的人) 走進來坐了下來,
男主角說,"take a wild guess, that's not him, either."
In the "Midnight Run" movie one character is coming up to a desk in the airport to buy a ticket to LA. He is smoking a cigarette at that moment. The men behind the desk is asking him whether he wants a smoking or non-smoking seat and the guy with the cigarrette is answering, "Take a wild guess." What does "wild guess" mean?
A: A "wild guess" is one that's made when one has no clues or information to base an answer on.
The cigarette was a big Big BIG clue, so it was funny.
It measns its supposed to be obvious but yet your asking.
*Cafe Lalo: 201 West 83 St., NY, NY(http://www.cafelalo.com/)pocket印象中去過了一次,是剛來紐約的時候,跟好友J&K一起去,恩~~~東西還好~但是貴,氣氛也還OK而已,排隊排很久是真的,後來就沒再去了,pocket小弟來的時候還是不免俗的到門口照了一下像ㄌ ;p
**punch line, 是pocket牙醫告訴pocket的詞, punch line是指一個笑話的笑點, (punch 是猛擊的意思)
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